Tuesday, September 19, 2006

SSA Laser Fall Series

Thanks to all of you that came out and participated in the SSA Laser Fall Series on Sunday. It was a bit of a frustrating day due to the light & variable conditions and powerboat chop. (A sure sign that the gas prices have dropped!) Hopefully the conditions will be better this Sunday.
Sunday September 24th - the exciting conclusion of the SSA Fall Series. Registration at 8:30 (only for those who did not already register last week) and skippers meeting at 9:30.
Come out and play!
This Sunday will also be a great opportunity to sign up for the Crab Claw Regatta! Sat. September 30 and Sun. October 1 at Severn Sailing Association. Just find me or Tip Clifton and we will be happy to get you signed up. The cut off date for discounted pre-registration is Monday Sept. 25. NOR is available on the Fleet 10 website.

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