Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Frostbiting Results 1/6/08

Hello Laser Sailors,
Sunday was our first frostbiting day in the new year.  What a beautiful day!  With temps in the 50's and sunshine it was difficult to even call it Frostbiting (but hey, I am not complaining!!)  Dave Schoene won the day,  followed by Eric Reinke in second and Gavin O'Hare in third.  Several people won raffle prizes-  Vanguard Tshirts, hats and frisbees provided by APS.  Complete results are below, and will be available at http://www.severnsailing.org/fleets/laser/frostbiting/index.shtml
A special thanks to Greg Leonard and J.R. Futcher for helping out with the Race Committee.
We will be racing again next Sunday-  Registration at 11:30 am (for those who have not yet registered) First start at 1 pm 
** Notes on scoring ***
Duty to a lot of close finishes... the race committee missed some boats crossing on several races.  Most people have accepted redress with an average of their daily scores- but  I am still waiting to hear from some people.  These results are subject to change.
Amendment to the NOR-
Redress for RC will be the average of the days that you race and the scores count- DNC days and throwout days will not be included in that average.  That changes the scoring as stated in the NOR.
Unfortunately I can not get Javascore to do that so I will manually entering the averages for those who did race committee. 
This weeks winner and our series leader- Dave Schoene
Dave's report

This past Sunday was almost a carbon copy of Sunday 25 November.  I could have used the same report!  This Sunday was also relatively warm with a light S to SW  breeze and a flood current.  7 races were completed.  The AYC frostbite series does not sail in January so we (and the ICs) had the race area to ourselves.     




The first couple of races had a heavily favored committee end starting line and the 1st mark was placed such it was a short starboard fetch from the boat end.  Anyone starting further down the line simply sailed a greater distance to the mark.  By the third race the RC fixed the problem by setting the mark further out and to the right.  By the fourth race the pin end of the line had been moved way up so that the pin end was 10-15 degrees favored.  Although the right side of the course was generally favored, the slant of the line was too enticing resulting in a crowd at the pin.  For the last race the line was shortened and squared up. 




The breeze was relatively consistent in velocity and direction so speed was king although working the middle right of the first leg was the place to be to minimize the effect of the current.  Like the November Sunday  it  paid to overstand a little to compensate for the current and avoid mark pile ups.   




Downwind was all about finding a lane and steering using body weight.  I felt like starboard jibe was faster as it provided the opportunity to sail slightly by the lee and generate reverse flow from the leech to the luff.  It is a personal preference but I don't worry about establishing an inside position for the bottom mark until the last 30-25% of the leg.  I would rather sail in clear air and as directly towards the mark as possible rather than continually guard the inside position. 




On the final leg I played the right for each race to stay out of traffic coming downwind and adverse current on the left.  In each case the boat end always seemed to be favored at the finish.




Some general observations:   I still see a few boats rigged with loose clew straps.  Tighten those up to get the clew as close to the boom as possible.  I see a lot more of you looking for starting line ranges.  That's a good thing. 

In light air it is better to foot off a little and let the underwater foils generate the lift.  Once you get going you can take small bites to weather but as soon as your speed starts dropping bear off again. 


Division: Laser (55 boats) (top)

Pos Sail   Skipper   Club      1         2         3         4         5         6         7      Total
1   188095   David Schoene   SSA   3   7   7   3   2   3   1   26.00   1
2   182815   Eric Reinke   SSA   13   1   3   2   1   7   8   35.00   2
3   92   Gavin O'Hare       11   2   8   9   4   2   2   38.00   3
4   172468   John Zseleczky   SSA   16   6.7/AVG   1   4   11   1   7   46.70   4
5   170058   Bryan Fishback   SSA   9   4   9   5   9   8   3   47.00   5
6   175881   James Jacob   SSA   21   8   6   1   3   5   4   48.00   6
7   165982   John Criezis   SSA   2   20   11   6   6   4   16   65.00   7
8   44927   Hal Whitacre   SSA   20   5   4   14   17   10   5   75.00   8
9   173704   David Bonney   AYC   7   16   5   12   7   17   12   76.00   9
10   170799   Gregg Herbert   SSA   1   11/AVG   11/AVG   18   10   12   14   77.00   10
11   187741   Tip Clifton   SSA   4   18   12   10   5   20   13   82.00   11
12   100821   Eugenio Cingolani   SSA   6   3   13   13   12   9   30/DNS   86.00   12
13   155272   Lauren Schoene   SSA   17   12   10   7   25   6   9   86.00   13
14   187874 /13419   James McKenna   SSA   18   6   2   21   14   13   17   91.00   14
15   186519   Fuller Moore   SSA   5   14.3/AVG   22   11   8   21   19   100.30   15
16   169781   Russ Wesdyk   SSA   8   17   17   27   13   11   11   104.00   16
17   168566   Quinn Tobin   SSA   10   16.7/AVG   18   8   27   15   22   116.70   17
18   168474   Dorian Haldeman   SSA   15   11   15   16   19   28   20   124.00   18
19   106068   David Sliom   SSA   24   15   27   17   22   14   6   125.00   19
20   38699   Buck Downs   SSA   14   14   25   23   15   16   24   131.00   20
21   6133   Bill Balough   SSA   12   13   16   19   16   30/DNS   30/DNS   136.00   21
22   103289 /9818   Jason Werner   EYC   26   21   19   15   23   24   10   138.00   22
23   180536   Steve Cofer   SSA   19   10   23   22   20   18   26   138.00   23
24   132996   Chris Ryan       22   20.8/AVG   21   24   18   22   18   145.80   24
25   148085   Doug Watson   WRSC   23   9   14   30/OCS   30/DNS   25   15   146.00   25
26   175592   John Gebhardt       27   19   20   20   21   19   23   149.00   26
27   181252   George Dehaney   SSA   25   23   24   26   26   26   25   175.00   27
28   129333   Chris Cather   SSA   29   22   26   25   28   27   27   184.00   28
29   TBA    Alex Jacob   SSA   28   56/NoFin   56/NoFin   28   24   23   21   236.00   29

Overall Frostbite
Series Standing - 6 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results saved: Tuesday, January 8, 2008 9:22:49 AM EST

( Entries=55) Laser | Junior | Master | Women



Division: Laser (55 boats) (top)

Pos Sail   Skipper   Club     Day 1       Day 2       Day 3       Day 4       Day 5       Day 6     Total
1   188095   David Schoene   SSA   1   1   [56/DNC]   [2]   [18]   1   3.00   1
2   92   Gavin O'Hare       [56/DNC]   3   [56/DNC]   1   [4]   3   7.00   2
3   182815   Eric Reinke   SSA   [56/DNC]   [4]   2   3/MAN   [56/DNC]   2   7.00   3
4   168424   Bob Tan   SSA   [4]   2   2.5/MAN   3   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   7.50   4
5   182860   Luke Shingledecker   SSA   3   [56/DNC]   3   [56/DNC]   3   [56/DNC]   9.00   5
6   170058   Bryan Fishback   SSA   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   5   [56/DNC]   1   5   11.00   6
7   184383   Chris Legg   SSA   [25]   5   1   5   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   11.00   7
8   155315   Matt Schoene   SSA   6   [56/DNC]   6   4   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   16.00   8
9   181267   Eugenio Cingolani   SSA   8   8   [13]   [56/DNC]   2   [12]   18.00   9
10   165009   Paul Garn   SSA   7   [21]   6/MAN   [56/DNC]   5   [56/DNC]   18.00   10
11   187741   Tip Clifton   SSA   5   [56/DNC]   [11]   8/MAN   [56/DNC]   11   24.00   11
12   173704   David Bonney   AYC   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   8   7   [56/DNC]   9   24.00   12
13   168566   Quinn Tobin   SSA   [56/DNC]   6   [15]   12   7   [17]   25.00   13
14   173641   Leo Wilson   SSA   8.5/MAN   [23]   [17]   9   8   [56/DNC]   25.50   14
15   103289 /9818   Jason Werner   EYC   10   [18]   [19]   10   6   [22]   26.00   15
16   175881   James Jacob   SSA   [56/DNC]   11   10   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   6   27.00   16
17   170799   Gregg Herbert   SSA   9   [56/DNC]   9   [56/DNC]   9/MAN   [10]   27.00   17
18   187874 /13419   James McKenna   SSA   11/MAN   [16]   [16]   6   13   [14]   30.00   18
19   168474   Dorian Haldeman   SSA   [22]   7   [56/DNC]   11   14   [18]   32.00   19
20   35313   Michael Waters   SSA   11   9   12   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   32.00   20
21   172468   John Zseleczky   SSA   13   19   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   4   36.00   21
22   169781   Russ Wesdyk   SSA   [18]   [20]   18   [56/DNC]   12   16   46.00   22
23   155272   Lauren Schoene   SSA   19   [24]   [24]   [56/DNC]   15   13   47.00   23
24   6133   Bill Balough   SSA   [26]   12   19/MAN   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   21   52.00   24
25   148085   Doug Watson   WRSC   12   17   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   25   54.00   25
26   132996   Chris Ryan       [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   21   [56/DNC]   10   24   55.00   26
27   168440   Greg Leonard   SSA   16   [56/DNC]   23   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   19.5/MAN   58.50   27
28   184550   Ted Morgan   SSA   2   [56/DNC]   4   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   62.00   28
29   134119   Elizabeth Pfingst   MRYC   21   28   [56/DNC]   14   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   63.00   29
30   180536   Steve Coffer   SSA   24   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   16   23   63.00   30
31   162156   Anne White   SSA   30/DNS   [31]   [56/DNC]   16   23/MAN   [56/DNC]   69.00   31
32   156631   Eric Johnson   SSA   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   8   9   56/DNC   73.00   32
33   179506   Brian Hetherington   SSA   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   7   [56/DNC]   11   56/DNC   74.00   33
34   44927   Hal Whitacre   SSA   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   14   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   8   78.00   34
35   38699   Buck Downs   SSA   [56/DNC]   42/AVG   22   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   20   84.00   35
36   186519   Fuller Moore   SSA   [56/DNC]   15   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   15   86.00   36
37   188940   Oscar Cingolani   SSA   [56/DNC]   13   20   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   89.00   37
38   183923   Bruce Artman   SSA   17   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   17   56/DNC   90.00   38
39   SIN-VOLVO    Brady Stagg   AYC   14   27   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   97.00   39
40   181252   George Dehaney   SSA   20   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   27   103.00   40
41   152989   J.R. Futcher   SSA   [56/DNC]   25   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   25/MAN   106.00   41
42   129333   Chris Cather   SSA   [56/DNC]   29   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   28   113.00   42
43   TBA    Alex Jacob   SSA   [56/DNC]   30   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   29   115.00   43
44   168272   Jen Cook   SSA   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   47.4/AVG   13   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   116.40   44
45   173258   Matthew Lynch   SSA   [56/DNC]   47.8/AVG   [56/DNC]   15   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   118.80   45
46   165982   John Criezis   SSA   [56/NoFin]   [56/NoFin]   [56/NoFin]   56/NoFin   56/NoFin   7   119.00   46
47   166892   Ben Fransen   SSA   [56/DNC]   10   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   56/DNC   122.00   47
48   171075   Holger Hinsch   SSA   [56/DNC]   14   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   56/DNC   126.00   48
49   153006   Kim Couranz   SSA   15   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   56/DNC   127.00   49
50   106068   David Sliom   SSA   [56/NoFin]   [56/NoFin]   [56/NoFin]   56/NoFin   56/NoFin   19   131.00   50
51   161057   Chris Bowne       [56/DNC]   22   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   56/DNC   134.00   51
52   175945   Vince Franco   SSA   23   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   56/DNC   135.00   52
53   175592   John Gebhardt   SSA   [56/NoFin]   [56/NoFin]   [56/NoFin]   56/NoFin   56/NoFin   26   138.00   53
54   7   Laura Beigel   SSA   [56/DNC]   26   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   56/DNC   138.00   54
55   14891   Jay Berquist   SSA   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   56/DNC   56/DNC   168.00   55


(1) Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2005-2008
(2) Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts


Subdivision: Junior (6 boats) (top)

Pos Sail   Skipper   Club     Day 1       Day 2       Day 3       Day 4       Day 5       Day 6     Total
1   155315   Matt Schoene   SSA   6   [56/DNC]   6   4   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   16.00   1
2   155272   Lauren Schoene   SSA   19   [24]   [24]   [56/DNC]   15   13   47.00   2
3   134119   Elizabeth Pfingst   MRYC   21   28   [56/DNC]   14   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   63.00   3
4   SIN-VOLVO    Brady Stagg   AYC   14   27   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   97.00   4
5   TBA    Alex Jacob   SSA   [56/DNC]   30   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   29   115.00   5
6   7   Laura Beigel   SSA   [56/DNC]   26   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   56/DNC   138.00   6


(1) Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2005-2008
(2) Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts


Subdivision: Master (31 boats) (top)

Pos Sail   Skipper   Club     Day 1       Day 2       Day 3       Day 4       Day 5       Day 6     Total
1   188095   David Schoene   SSA   1   1   [56/DNC]   [2]   [18]   1   3.00   1
2   92   Gavin O'Hare       [56/DNC]   3   [56/DNC]   1   [4]   3   7.00   2
3   182815   Eric Reinke   SSA   [56/DNC]   [4]   2   3/MAN   [56/DNC]   2   7.00   3
4   168424   Bob Tan   SSA   [4]   2   2.5/MAN   3   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   7.50   4
5   170058   Bryan Fishback   SSA   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   5   [56/DNC]   1   5   11.00   5
6   184383   Chris Legg   SSA   [25]   5   1   5   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   11.00   6
7   181267   Eugenio Cingolani   SSA   8   8   [13]   [56/DNC]   2   [12]   18.00   7
8   165009   Paul Garn   SSA   7   [21]   6/MAN   [56/DNC]   5   [56/DNC]   18.00   8
9   187741   Tip Clifton   SSA   5   [56/DNC]   [11]   8/MAN   [56/DNC]   11   24.00   9
10   173641   Leo Wilson   SSA   8.5/MAN   [23]   [17]   9   8   [56/DNC]   25.50   10
11   175881   James Jacob   SSA   [56/DNC]   11   10   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   6   27.00   11
12   170799   Gregg Herbert   SSA   9   [56/DNC]   9   [56/DNC]   9/MAN   [10]   27.00   12
13   35313   Michael Waters   SSA   11   9   12   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   32.00   13
14   172468   John Zseleczky   SSA   13   19   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   4   36.00   14
15   169781   Russ Wesdyk   SSA   [18]   [20]   18   [56/DNC]   12   16   46.00   15
16   6133   Bill Balough   SSA   [26]   12   19/MAN   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   21   52.00   16
17   148085   Doug Watson   WRSC   12   17   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   25   54.00   17
18   168440   Greg Leonard   SSA   16   [56/DNC]   23   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   19.5/MAN   58.50   18
19   184550   Ted Morgan   SSA   2   [56/DNC]   4   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   62.00   19
20   180536   Steve Coffer   SSA   24   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   16   23   63.00   20
21   156631   Eric Johnson   SSA   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   8   9   56/DNC   73.00   21
22   44927   Hal Whitacre   SSA   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   14   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   8   78.00   22
23   38699   Buck Downs   SSA   [56/DNC]   42/AVG   22   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   20   84.00   23
24   186519   Fuller Moore   SSA   [56/DNC]   15   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   15   86.00   24
25   188940   Oscar Cingolani   SSA   [56/DNC]   13   20   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   89.00   25
26   183923   Bruce Artman   SSA   17   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   17   56/DNC   90.00   26
27   152989   J.R. Futcher   SSA   [56/DNC]   25   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   25/MAN   106.00   27
28   168272   Jen Cook   SSA   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   47.4/AVG   13   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   116.40   28
29   153006   Kim Couranz   SSA   15   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   56/DNC   127.00   29
30   106068   David Sliom   SSA   [56/NoFin]   [56/NoFin]   [56/NoFin]   56/NoFin   56/NoFin   19   131.00   30
31   175592   John Gebhardt   SSA   [56/NoFin]   [56/NoFin]   [56/NoFin]   56/NoFin   56/NoFin   26   138.00   31


(1) Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2005-2008
(2) Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts


Subdivision: Women (8 boats) (top)

Pos Sail   Skipper   Club     Day 1       Day 2       Day 3       Day 4       Day 5       Day 6     Total
1   168474   Dorian Haldeman   SSA   [22]   7   [56/DNC]   11   14   [18]   32.00   1
2   155272   Lauren Schoene   SSA   19   [24]   [24]   [56/DNC]   15   13   47.00   2
3   134119   Elizabeth Pfingst   MRYC   21   28   [56/DNC]   14   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   63.00   3
4   162156   Anne White   SSA   30/DNS   [31]   [56/DNC]   16   23/MAN   [56/DNC]   69.00   4
5   152989   J.R. Futcher   SSA   [56/DNC]   25   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   25/MAN   106.00   5
6   168272   Jen Cook   SSA   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   47.4/AVG   13   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   116.40   6
7   153006   Kim Couranz   SSA   15   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   56/DNC   127.00   7
8   7   Laura Beigel   SSA   [56/DNC]   26   [56/DNC]   [56/DNC]   56/DNC   56/DNC   138.00   8


(1) Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2005-2008
(2) Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts

Information is provisional and subject to modification


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