Monday, December 18, 2006

Frostbiting wrap-up 12/17 -no racing next week

Hello Laser Sailors.

It was another fabulous, warm day to be sailing yesterday. We almost should not be calling it Frostbite! The breeze died off after 4 races. Jason Currie won the day. His report and full results are below. The corrected results from Nov. 26 will be available on the fleet 10 website.

The raffle prize, a pair of Magic Marine hiking pants, went to Sean Smith.

Have you noticed the breeze has been lighter on Sundays?- turns out that is a real trend- Doug Wilson at NOAA forwarded me the average wind speed data from Thomas Point Light- see below.

******Reminder***** No Racing next week******

***********Merry Christmas!!****************

See you all on Dec. 31 - we will say goodbye to 2006 with some great Laser Frostbite racing! Kieran has a very special surprise for us as well- fabulous hot dogs imported from New Jersey. Nothing says New Years like great hot dogs- come on out and join the fun!!



With the forecast the way it was, I had to go sailing. Problem was, I don't own a boat any more so with the generosity of Nick von der wense & Scott Nixon I could scrap together a boat and be on the water in time for the 1pm start.
The forecast of 10-15 knots didn't really eventuate although a steady 8-12 out of the SE was perfect for 4 good races. The current was ripping in pretty hard so you had to start at the RC boat and tack straight away. I did this every race. I never tried to win the boat end as that can lead to disaster and being locked out from tacking. I did however make sure I had the ability to tack straight away and if this meant starting a few seconds late that was fine.
Upwind setup was very loose, slack out of the vang loose cunningham and about 10 inches of outhaul ease at mid boom.
Downwind I spent more time looking back for breeze than looking forward. This is pretty key to doing well, keeping your head out of the boat is crucial. There were a lot of gains to make downwind by keeping an eye on the pressure and maintaining clear air. Staying still and patient is key in the lighter spots, something I'm not too good at but trying hard to work on!
The courses were set well, good length to them and there were plenty of opportunities to pass on the last beat. The last race of the day the breeze shut off on the right side so the question was, go left into current for pressure or go right out of the current into no breeze at all. It was a no brainer; breeze will always win out so ignore the current and go for the pressure.
I was using a Hyde sail and these are definitely different to the North sails. If anyone is thinking of buying one of these sails and has questions, I would be more than happy to provide some good info on the differences.



SSA/Laser fleet 10
SSA Laser frostbiting
Dec. 17, 2006
Pl Sail # Skipper 1 2 3 4 Tot
1 1 Jason Currie 1 1 1 3 6
2 188095 Dave Schoene 2 2 5 7 16
3 170797 Morgan Wilson 6 10 7 1 24
4 184550 Ted Morgan 9 8 4 6 27
5 173711 Patrick Kana 8 12 2 16 38
6 182860 Luke Shingledecker 12 11 3 14 40
7 173704 David Bonney 7 13 16 4 40
8 166892 Ben Fransen 14 9 10 10 43
9 153006 Kim Couranz 3 4 36\RAF 2 45
10 187787 Colin Robertson 5 5 6 36\DNC 52
11 35313 Mike Waters 10 3 8 36\RAF 57
12 711 John Zseleczky 20 17 12 8 57
13 182827 Brennen Drysdale 16 14 19 9 58
14 168440 Greg Leonard 17 25 15 5 62
15 181267 Eugenio Cingolani 4 16 11 36\DNC 67
16 166043 Brendan Heussler 36\DNC 7 9 15 67
17 165009 Paul Garn 15 15 22 18 70
18 178575 Eric Dennis 11 18 23 21 73
19 177155 Tip Clifton 13 19 20 22 74
20 168566 Quinn Tobin 21 23 14 19 77
21 186519 Fuller Moore 23 6 13 36\DNC 78
22 168474 Dorian Haldeman 18 27 26 13 84
23 170799 Greg Herbert 27 22 18 17 84
24 168272 Jen Cook 36\DNC 21 21 12 90
25 173641 Leo Wilson 24 29 28 11 92
26 184472 Bo McClatchy 22 24 25 36\DNC 107
27 66133 Bill Ballough 19 26 27 36\DNC 108
28 R67 Matt Schoene 25 20 29 36\DNC 110
29 155281 Randy Bruns 36\DNC 30 30 20 116
30 180536 Steve Cofer 31 32 32 23 118
31 169781 Russ Wesdyk 28 31 24 36\DNC 119
32 173196 Sean Smith 26 28 31 36\DNC 121
33 168418 Chip Swatta 36\DNC 33 17 36\DNC 122
34 162156 Anne White 29 34 33 36\DNC 132
35 155272 Lauren Schoene 30 36\DNC 36\DNC 36\DNC 138

17 Dec, '06, 17:40
St. Pete Scorer


SSA/Laser fleet 10
SSA Laser frostbiting Series
November 2006- March 2007
Pl Sail # Skipper 1 2 3 4 5 Tot.
1 184550 Ted Morgan 2 (56\DNC) 1.5\*1 1 (4) 4.5
2 170797 Morgan Wilson (4) 2 1 (5) 3 6
3 188095 Dave Schoene (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 2 6 2 10
4 182860 Luke Shingledecker 1 (7) 4 (19) 6 11
5 173711 Patrick Kana (56\DNC) 4 3 (9) 5 12
6 168424 Bob Tan 5.5\*2 5 6 (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 16.5
7 182827 Brennen Drysdale 7 (13) 7 (27) 13 27
8 177155 Tip Clifton 10 (11) 10 7 (19) 27
9 170799 Greg Herbert 8 (56\DNC) 12 8 (23) 28
10 166043 Brendan Heussler 5 (56\DNC) 9 (56\DNC) 16 30
11 173704 David Bonney (56\DNC) 12 11 (14) 7 30
12 181267 Eugenio Cingolani 6 10.5\*3 (17) (56\DNC) 15 31.5
13 166892 Ben Fransen 12 (15) 13 (16) 8 33
14 179506 Brian Hetherington 16 (56\DNC) 5 13 (56\DNC) 34
15 153006 Kim Couranz 13 (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 12 9 34
16 35313 Mike Waters 17 (56\DNC) 8 (26) 11 36
17 711 John Zseleczky (56\DNC) 10 (56\DNC) 15 12 37
18 187787 Colin Robertson 3 (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 28 10 41
19 179226 Andrew Eyring 9 14 (56\DNC) 21 (56\DNC) 44
20 165009 Paul Garn 11 17 (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 17 45
21 R67 Matt Schoene 22 (56\DNC) 18 11 (28) 51
22 168474 Dorian Haldeman (27) 21 16 18 (22) 55
23 186519 Fuller Moore 21 (56\DNC) 14 (56\DNC) 21 56
24 168566 Quinn Tobin 19 18 (21) (24) 20 57
25 66133 Bill Ballough (26) 22 19.5\*4 17 (27) 58.5
26 NAV Andrew Vann (56\DNC) 1 (56\DNC) 3 56\DNC 60
27 173641 Leo Wilson (28) 19 19 22 (25) 60
28 184472 Bo McClatchy 15 (56\DNC) 20 (56\DNC) 26 61
29 169781 Russ Wesdyk 18 23 22 (29) (31) 63
30 NGO Gavin O'Hare (56\DNC) 6 (56\DNC) 2 56\DNC 64
31 38699 Buck Downes 25 25 24 (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 74
32 4720 Kristoffer Stevens 24 28 23 (35) (56\DNC) 75
33 52 Stergios Papadakis 23 3 (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 56\DNC 82
34 178575 Eric Dennis (56\DNC) 8 (56\DNC) 56\DNC 18 82
35 180536 Steve Cofer (56\DNC) 27 25 (31) 30 82
36 181113 Chris Foscue 14 16 (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 56\DNC 86
37 168440 Greg Leonard (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 56\DNC 23 14 93
38 132996 Chris Ryan (56\DNC) 20 (56\DNC) 20 56\DNC 96
39 162156 Anne White (56\DNC) 30 (56\DNC) 34 34 98
40 187874 James McKenna 20 24 (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 56\DNC 100
41 182801 RK Creighton (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 15 32 56\DNC 103
42 1 Jason Currie (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 56\DNC 56\DNC 1 113
43 169629 Michael Klybor 29 (56\DNC) 28 (56\DNC) 56\DNC 113
44 173196 Sean Smith (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 27 56\DNC 32 115
45 183892 Pauline Jerry 30 29 (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 56\DNC 115
46 179135 Alex Bertrand (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 56\DNC 4 56\DNC 116
47 168418 Chip Swatta (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 56\DNC 30 33 119
48 168272 Jen Cook (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 56\DNC 40\*5 24 120
49 NGG Grant Garcia (56\DNC) 9 (56\DNC) 56\DNC 56\DNC 121
50 155281 Randy Bruns (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 56\DNC 36 29 121
51 170 Brendan McAndrews (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 56\DNC 10 56\DNC 122
52 155272 Lauren Schoene (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 56\DNC 33 35 124
53 175945 Cole Allsopp (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 56\DNC 25 56\DNC 137
54 73621 George Dehney (56\DNC) (56\DNC) 26 56\DNC 56\DNC 138
55 129333 Chris Cather (56\DNC) 26 (56\DNC) 56\DNC 56\DNC 138

*1 = DNC+RDG
*2 = DNC+RDG
*3 = DNC+RDG
*4 = DNC+RDG
*5 = DNC+RDG

17 Dec, '06, 17:53
St. Pete Scorer

It's not your imagination - there has been much less wind on Sundays since frostbiting started...

Average Wind Speed, Knots, Thomas Point, 1-4 PM, Nov 13 - Dec 17, by day of the week (& deg F)

Mon 13 45
Tue 9 44
Wed 13 47
Thu 15 51
Fri 14 48
Sat 11 41
Sun 6 43

Mean 12 Knots 46 deg
Std Dev 3 Knots 3 deg

So Sundays are 2 full std dev below the average wind speed...

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