Thanks so much for coming out and participating in the first day of our Laser Frostbiting Series! It was a great day to be sailing- and we had a great turn out of 32 boats. Thanks so much to Bob and JR who did a great job as the Race Committee. Luke Shingledecker won the day. His report and full results are below. The raffle prize, a Magic Marine duffle bag provided by APS, went to Fuller Moore.
Please remember- in order to get scored everyone must fill out a registration form at the SSA clubhouse. This is manditory! The policy is as follows -If you have not registered before racing, you do not get scored -The second time you go sailing, if you have not registered you will be sent in to the SSA clubhouse to register before being allowed to sail the course. The forms are available on the table upstairs in the clubhouse and also online at the SSA website.
Also- I still need volunteers for RC boat on Dec. 31 and Feb.25 as well as Mark/safety boat on Dec. 31, Feb. 11, Feb.18, Mar. 4, Mar. 11 and Mar. 18. If all SSA members who are frostbiting volunteer one day we will be covered!
Thanks, and I will see you next week!
It was a great day for our first day of frostbiting for the 2006-2007 season. Mild temperatures, light-moderate winds, and relatively warm water temps brough out well over 30 boats. It was great to see such a great collection of old and new faces out sailing. Wind was mostly around 6-8 knots, with a couple shots up to 10 knots and sometimes as low as 5 or so. The wind direction was around 300 to 330, with the wind generally clocking to the right through the day.
With a large fleet on a tight line and a short course, it was easy to make mistakes and fall behind the leaders on the first leg.
You could usually see where the first weather puff would be from the start line. This gave me a good idea when there was a good reason to go right or left. Usually it was right, there were always opportunities on both sides of the course. The starts were a key to achieving a consistent finish. I seemed to be able to find a decent spot on the line in most starts. A couple of starts I started at the boat a bit late (second row), which was fine since I was able to tack out and go right. In general, I had a series of good starts where I was able to accelerate quickly off the line and hold a good lane. I find that the start is the primary place where I find myself behind, usually by having a lackluster start. Today, I only had one bad start.
Upwind , the puffs were frequent and the leg was short. As a result, if I could stay on the tack I wanted, it was a pretty easy sail up to the weather mark. The only problems came when I couldn' tack when I wanted, which goes back to the importance of a good start.
Downwind, it seems like there were always a couple of puffs coming down the Severn river, so there was usually some benefit to holding to the left (looking downwind). The only problem was not getting totally caught up in the bad of air from over 20 Lasers coming into the weather mark, pretty much bow to transom. So while gybing immediately, or bearing off well by the lee might have been the quickest way to get out in the river, it would usually leave you choking for breeze. Usually, the best thing was to try and sail down the rhumbline a little bit, not letting any boats behind me get further to the left of me.
Underlining the entire day was a unique factor. There were plenty of leaves floating all over the race course, plus some weeds as well. It seems like every time I checked my rudder, there were always a couple of leaves, if not a lot of them! I saw plenty of boats towing a rake-full of leaves. This was very slow, so it was important to monitor this point.
Overall, I was suprised to do well because I'm heavy and I don't usually sail have boatspeed in light air. I think the difference today was good starts and avoiding bunch-ups at the marks. I seemed to have good speed upwind, and I believe I passed boats because I paid attention to leaves and weeds in the water. When I was behind, I looked for opportunities, to sail into the next windshift or puff.
Thanks to Bob and JR for running the race committee. It was a tough day because the wind was shifting, and they had to deal with a couple of general recalls.
SSA/Laser fleet 10
SSA Laser frostbiting
November 19, 2006
Pl Sail # Skipper 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tot
1 182860 Luke Shingledecker 6 2 2 2 4 1 17
2 184550 Ted Morgan 1 3 1 6 3 5 19
3 187787 Colin Robertson 7 5 5 4 1 3 25
4 170797 Morgan Wilson 13 1 4 3 2 4 27
5 166043 Brendan Heussler 2 11 3 1 5 6 28
6 181267 Eugenio Cingolani 3 20 7 5 10 7 52
7 182827 Brennen Drysdale 5 7 13 8 6 15 54
8 170799 Greg Herbert 8 8 14 15 8 8 61
9 179226 Andrew Eyring 11 6 11 14 12 12 66
10 177155 Tip Clifton 12 12 6 10 11 16 67
11 165009 Paul Garn 16 9 9 12 15 11 72
12 166892 Ben Fransen 15 17 18 7 18 2 77
13 153006 Kim Couranz 9 19 15 13 13 20 89
14 181113 Chris Foscue 21 10 21 20 9 10 91
15 184472 Bo McClatchy 18 18 8 11 24 14 93
16 179506 Brian Hetherington 19 23 10 17 19 9 97
17 35313 Mike Waters 22 14 31\DNF 9 7 31\DNC 114
18 169781 Russ Wesdyk 24 21 19 22 16 13 115
19 168566 Quinn Tobin 14 25 16 23 17 21 116
20 187874 James McKenna 17 24 26 18 20 18 123
21 186519 Fuller Moore 10 15 23 16 31\DNC 31\DNC 126
22 R67 Matt Schoene 31\DNC 13 12 19 23 31\DNC 129
23 52 Stergios Papadakis 4 4 31\DNF 31\DNC 31\DNC 31\DNC 132
24 4720 Kristoffer Stevens 27 29 22 24 14 17 133
25 38699 Buck Downes 23 22 20 25 26 24 140
26 66133 Bill Ballough 20 16 17 27 31\DNC 31\DNC 142
27 168474 Dorian Haldeman 25 28 25 21 21 22 142
28 173641 Leo Wilson 26 26 24 26 22 19 143
29 169629 Michael Klybor 31\DNC 27 27 28 25 23 161
30 183892 Pauline Jerry 28 31\DNF 31\DNF 31\DNC 31\DNC 31\DNC 183
20 Nov, '06, 13:39
St. Pete Scorer
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