Thursday, November 16, 2006

The start of the 2006-2007 Frostbite series is almost here!

Hello Frostbiters!

The start of the 2006-2007 Frostbite series is almost here! Sunday November 19 at Severn Sailing Association

Weather is forcasted as follows- High 51 degrees, partly sunny, NW winds 10 knots- sounds like the perfect day for sailing!

Not to mention a great raffle prize! A large, tough Magic Marine duffle bag provided by APS. It is perfect for carrying around all that frostbiting gear.

Registration begins at 11:30 am - first start at 1 pm.

Everyone must register!! Fill out the SSA entry form in the clubhouse. Non-members have a registration fee of $177

The NOR is available at the fleet 10 website- and posted below.

hope to see you on Sunday!

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