Thursday, November 30, 2006

SSA Laser Frostbite- this Sunday

Hello Frostbiters!

It is so warm outside these days it seems wrong to call it Frostbite- but word is it will turn colder again this weekend. Week 3 of the SSA Laser frostbite series is this Sunday.

Registration at 12:00pm, First race at 1:00pm

There will be another raffle and all participants are eligible. This week's prize is a Magic Marine Backpack- provided generously by APS.

Come on out and join the fun!

PS- those SSA fleet members who have not signed up for RC duty- please contact me. We need to fill the slots to keep this series going. There are more slots to fill this year so I ask that every SSA member sailing frostbite participate. If you are not available on the dates that are open let me know and I can try and shuffle people around. The current schedule is available on the website-



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