Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Frostbite starts Sunday- still need volunteers

Hello Laser Sailors!

Just a reminder- the Frostbite series starts this Sunday. You must fill out a registration form to race!! The forms will be available in the clubhouse. Registration is free for SSA members (although I will begin collecting 2007 fleet dues- $30) Non-members registration fee is $177.00. Registration begins at 11:30 am- First start at 1:00 pm.

I still need SSA members to volunteer for Race Committee/ safety boat for Frostbite. Remember that you do receive credit towards your score for the series for Race committee. We have three more slots to fill on the main RC boat - Dec 31, and two slots on March 25 (it will much warmer by then...)

Mark boat opennings Dec. 31, Feb 11, Feb 18, Mar 4, Mar 11, Mar 18

Also- if you are an SSA laser sailor and not crazy enough to sail frostbites you can still volunteer! Bundle up, come watch the racing, have some chili and hot toddies from the Angry Chef- it is a great way to spend a chilly Sunday!

Hope to see you Sunday!


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